When it comes to personal growth, many of us need some amount of inspiration to motivate us to get things done, or at least started. Inspiration can serve as a force that works from within and drives us to start chiseling away at old habits and form new ones. However, it’s easier said than done, so I tend to use inspirational quotes to help me navigate my day, especially when I’ve being tough on myself or if I’m having a really rough day. I hope you enjoy my top 10 favorites quotes!
Quote #1
If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy and inspires your hopes. Andrew Carnegie
Goals or intentions are more meaningful when it is something that inspires you to take action. It gives you the motivation to negotiate challenges, even if it means taking baby steps. The key is that your momentum remains forward and you are finding growth along the way.
Quote #2
Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.
John R. Wooden
It’s really easy to fall into the trap of thinking that we can’t do anything if we can’t do everything. Don’t let yourself get in the way of your success. Start small, find what works for you, and then just do it and own it.
Quote #3
We are the products of our past, but we don’t have to be prisoners of it.” Rick Warren
Don’t let your past keep you stuck. Whatever it is, release it. Let it go! When you do, you took a step forward to building your better tomorrow.
Quote #4
Sight is seeing with the eyes; vision is seeing with the mind. Orrin Woodward
You create your reality, so the more excited you become about your future, the less likely you are to stray off course. If the sky is the limit, how do you imagine your perfect life to be? Jot it down, visualize it, read it, and believe it over and over again.
Quote #5
The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over the other. William James
Have you ever told yourself, “don’t spill the drink”–and you did; or “Be careful, don’t trip,” and then you stumble. Ever thought about what would happen if your told yourself, “Watch out, you’re going to slay the day!” What you think about grows. Choose thoughts that empower you to live life, not suffer from the circumstances.

Quote #6
Have patience. All things are difficult before they become easy. Saadi
Have you ever told yourself, “don’t spill the drink”–and you did; or “Be careful, don’t trip,” and then you stumble. Ever thought about what would happen if your told yourself, “Watch out, you’re going to slay the day!” What you think about grows. Choose thoughts that empower you to live life, not suffer from the circumstances.
Quote #7
When I let go of what I am, I become what I might Be. Lao Tzu
The tighter we hold on to our past, the longer we stay the same. Only by letting go of those regrets sorrows, and behaviors do we give ourselves the freedom to become something more.
Quote #8
Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think. Benjamin Disraeli
What we believe about ourselves becomes your reality. Believe in yourself!!! Give yourself permission to reach high and far with confidence. Think thoughts of confidence and success. If we question how far we can go toward achieving our goals, we’ve already put doubt into our minds. Know that you can Be and Do whatever you choose.
Quote #9
The great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving. Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.
As you make positive changes in your life, you may feel like you still have a long way to go and you neglect the fact that you’ve made strides (even if tiny) towards a better you. Periodically ask yourself, “Am I heading in the direction of my goals?” Your choices and actions are fully within your control and they determine your direction.
Quote #10
To be responsible, keep your promises to others. To be successful, keep your promises to yourself. Marie Forleo
Self-care is not selfish. When you care about yourself as much as you do for others, you will see incredible changes in your life. You are worthy of keeping your own promises.
Call To Action: Let me know what your favorite quote is by emailing me at thrivingmamamd@gmail.com. The first 3 responses will receive a MyIntent bracelet made by me!

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