Podcast Interviews
Dr. Me First Episode 282: May 2021
Reimagine with Dr. Carina Hopen
Dr. Carina Hopen revisits Doctor Me First for her second podcast where she shares how she reimagined her life as well as healthcare after her preemie, then her experience with Amazon Care, to finally establishing Inspired Wellness, PLLC, her solo Lifestyle & Functional Medicine practice.
Episode 139: Dr. Carina Hopen | Be Inspired, Be Creative, Be Happy
October 30th 2019 | MD for Moms Radio
Dr. Carina Hopen, a woman who wears many hats, including that of physician, artist, mother and blogger. She believes passionately in the value and benefit of tapping into one’s creativity in order to face challenges and overcome difficult experiences. Her third child was born at 26 weeks and spent six months in the NICU; during this time, Dr. Hopen re-connected with her artistic side and derived great strength through painting. She shares how art helped her get through the NICU period and has since helped her grow as a person and as a physician as well as lead an overall happier life.
Episode 51: March 2019
Inspiration with Dr. Carina Hopen
Dr. Carina Hopen is a Primary Care Physician, mother of 3 and prior U.S. Naval Flight Surgeon that shares an intimate story about her youngest child’s 26 week birth and her journey through. She believes in doing 3 M’s each day: Mind, Muse, Movement. She discusses how art and creativity was renewed in her life and how being a Health Coach has been so impactful in her life and practice.
How physicians can develop their emotional intelligence
If you’ve browsed the internet recently, you probably have noticed the #10YearChallenge social media trend that has taken over our news feeds. The phenomena have individuals comparing a current photo of themselves, to their former self ten years ago. As I thought about how well (or not) I’ve aged over time, it got me thinking about the two most important advice I would give my younger self (knowing what I know now)….click to read more
Life Lessons From a Preemie
by Carina Hopen | Feb 10, 2019 | Inspire
Being a working mom is the most amazing thing, but sometimes when life gets in the way, it could be too overwhelming. Whenever I reach the brink of a meltdown, I always think back to the first few days and months of my little preemie’s life. She was born at 26 weeks, weighing 1 pound 7 ounces. Her start in life was extremely challenging and many people admired her fight to survive. The odds were stacked against her, but as the days turned to weeks and months, and she was growing in front of my eyes, I began to have the sense that she doing better than surviving–she was thriving! So in the middle of everyday life chaos, those preemie moments always manage to help me regain my center…click to read more